Hocatt stands for Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Technology and the machine acts as a personal ozone steam sauna, in which clients sit with just their head exposed to the air, while their body receives the benefits of an infusion of ozone, carbon dioxide, steam, photon light, oxygen and Doterra essential oils.

How Does Hocatt Work?

The steam sauna heats up to a comfortable temperature and then carbon dioxide gas (carbonic acid) is infused into the sauna. After this, the carbon dioxide is removed and the sauna is infused with ozone gas. The heat and the carbon dioxide serve to open up the circulation to the skin so that when the ozone gas is infused it is absorbed by the skin into the general circulation.

Includes Infrared Therapy

As steam gently fills the sauna, the Photon infrared light penetrates the skin to help increase blood flow and circulation. Photon breaks any painful inflammatory cycle by dilating small blood and lymphatic vessels. This increase in circulation can result in accelerated healing and pain relief.

Turbocharged with Oxygen Therapy

Throughout the patient’s head is outside the ozone steam cabinet and they are given an additional boost by inhaling pure oxygen throughout the 30-minute session. Delivered via two small tubes inserted into the nasal passages, this breath of “fresh air” helps to boost the immune system, reduce stress, boost energy and even fight off cancer.

Benefits of HOCATT

The health benefits of having a session in the Hocatt ozone steam sauna are extensive.

  • Increases blood circulation

  • Stimulates antioxidant enzyme production

  • Improves absorption of nutrients

  • Improves skin tone

  • Increases blood oxygen level and metabolism (anti-aging)

  • Increases core body temperature

  • Combats and disposes of pathogens and toxins (detox)

  • Relaxes muscle tension

  • Increases energy levels

  • Increases Seratonin levels (relaxing)

  • Burns up to 600 calories per session

  • Activates skin tissue

  • Inactivates Viruses, Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi, Parasites

  • Stimulates Immune System

  • Speeds Healing

  • Cleans Arteries and Veins, Improving Circulation

  • Oxidizes Toxins, Removes Free Radicals

How Does the HOCATT Work?

  • Normalizes Hormone and Enzyme Production

  • Reduces Inflammation

  • Reduces Pain, Calm Nerves

  • Improves Brain Function

  • Aids in Weight Loss

Medical-grade ozone is the key player in the effectiveness of the sauna. We have seen many successes with the use of ozone to treat pain, inflammation and infection through our other offered ozone therapies, but the HOCATT is different in that it has the ability to expose the entire body to the healing effects of ozone.

If you are not already familiar, ozone is a colorless gas and each molecule is made up of three atoms of oxygen which are unstably bound together. Because of ozone’s positive charge, it has an oxidative effect on organic compounds. It is drawn toward negatively charged foreign cells such as bacteria, yeast, viruses and parasites and neutralizes them, effectively killing active infections.

Ozone Quick Facts

  • Ozone accelerates the production of energy, called ATP, in the mitochondria of the cell

  • Ozone increases anti-oxidant enzyme system efficiency

  • Ozone kills bacteria, yeast/fungi, viruses and parasites because these pathogens cannot produce anti-oxidant enzymes, allowing destruction by ozone

  • Ozone breaks down petrochemicals, removes toxins and free radicals

  • Ozone increases Oxygen Utilization in tissues

  • Ozone increases immunity and antibody production

  • Ozone stimulates secretion of Interleukin-2, an immune system cornerstone, secreted by T-helper cells

  • Ozone inhibits cancer because cancer cells don’t produce enzymes needed for protection from ozone

  • Ozone stimulates the production of Tumor Necrosis Factor, inhibiting tumor growth

  • Ozone significantly increases interferon, which helps to orchestrate every aspect of the immune system

  • Ozone stimulates the production of white blood cells

  • Ozone oxidizes and breaks down arterial plaque

  • Ozone increases flexibility/elasticity of red blood cells

Ozone is ONE of the several beneficial aspects of this sauna. The HOCATT also offers these therapeutic modalities:

  • Aromatherapy

  • Carbonic acid therapy

  • Electrotherapy

  • Exercise with oxygen therapy

  • Far infrared light therapy

  • Hyperthermia

  • Photon light therapy

  • Ultraviolet irradiation

30 Minutes $165