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Red Light - prism light- cold laser Therapy

The industry’s most advanced and non-invasive full-body cold laser light pod, Prism Light Pod offers advanced photobiomodulation therapy that interacts with the body’s tissues, muscles and nerves to accelerate the natural healing process.  

Prism Light Pod’s full-body cold laser pod uses specific wavelengths of light that pass through layers of skin and interact within the body to stimulate regrowth and repair. The light absorbed by cells is converted to advantageous energy for accelerated healing. This process normalizes damaged or injured tissue while helping to reduce oxidative stress, eliminate chronic pain, stimulate collagen production and accelerate muscle recovery up to 10 times faster.

As with any other living creature, our cells need light to survive. To be more specific, we require red and near-infrared (NIR) light waves (which lie next to each other on the light spectrum) in order to function optimally. When you spend time in the sun or sitting around a fire at day’s end, you are soaking up this segment of the light spectrum.

These two wavelengths are able to penetrate deep into our tissues—in some instances, as deep as two inches, where they find their way into our cells, tissues, bones, brain and blood. And there, the healing begins.

Top Red Light Therapy Health Benefits:

Supports weight loss as well as fat and cellulite reduction

Numerous studies have reported the loss of several inches from participant’s hips and waists through the use of red and NIR light therapy. Other studies support its reducing effects on cellulose. While the exact mechanism is unclear, it appears that this type of light stimulates blood circulation by triggering production of nitric oxide, a vasodilator, and causes fat cells to release their fatty acids back into the bloodstream where it can be burned for fuel. Red and NIR light therapy has also been shown to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, two major proteins found throughout the body that are responsible for the strength and elasticity of our skin and tissues. Cellulite is caused not only by excess fat, but also unhealthy collagen and elastin. Remarkably, when combined with massage, red light therapy resulted in a 75% reduction in cellulite!

Reduces the signs of aging such as wrinkles and skin discoloration

While I believe that eating a healthy, mostly or all plant-based diet and including physical activity in our daily lives is the ultimate anti-aging plan, the years have a way of aging the look of our skin despite a healthy lifestyle. Reducing these signs of aging through red and NIR light therapy is so much better than the unhealthy alternatives of Botox and face lifts! Red light’s ability to stimulate the production of collagen and reduce inflammation make this therapy a potent contender in helping us maintain youthful skin. If you’re concerned about wrinkles and other signs of aging on the skin, red light therapy can help. A study reported in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science found a significant reduction in wrinkles around the eyes as well as an increase in skin moisture through the use of low-level light therapy.

Combats fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue

The latest research in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue suggest that these two conditions are caused, in part, by mitochondrial dysfunction and an increase in inflammation that occurs in both the body and brain. Because of red light’s anti-inflammatory effects as well as stimulating the production of ATP, it is a potent qualifier as a therapy that both increases energy and reduces pain. One study on patients suffering from the effects of fibromyalgia found a remarkable reduction in pain, muscle spasms, morning stiffness, and the number of total tender points after treatments with low-level laser therapy.

Improves cognitive performance

Our brains use more energy than any of our other organs—accounting for up to 20%. MRI scans prove that NIR light photons penetrate the skull, increasing the blood flow to the brain as well as spurring the mitochondria to produce more ATP. The result is that we possess more clarity and sharper thinking skills. Even patients with traumatic brain injuries and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) have benefited from light therapy. One study found patients with chronic brain injuries showed gains in verbal learning, memory, better sleep, and fewer PTSD symptoms following red and NIF light therapy.

Reduces depression and anxiety

Light therapy has been used for seasonal depression for decades. But can concentrated red light have an affect on those that suffer from year-round anxiety and depression? When researchers reviewed all existing studies on the treatment of depression and anxiety with red and NIR light therapy, they found it to be a “promising” treatment for major depression, anxiety and traumatic brain disorder.

Improves eye health

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the number one cause of vision loss in the U.S. It is a disease that affects more Americans than cataracts and glaucoma combined, and one that, ultimately, destroys the central vision. Currently, it is considered an incurable disease. Red light therapy has been shown to benefit eye health. When 203 patients with AMD were treated with low-level light therapy, 95 percent showed significant improvement in visual acuity. Their improved vision lasted anywhere from 3 months to 3 years following treatment. 

Improves oral health

Numerous studies have proven the positive impact that red and NIR light therapy have on the health of our teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues. A few of these benefits include the ability to fight infections, reduce pain, reduce thrush (an infection caused by an overgrowth of Candida yeast), and improve tooth sensitivity. It also speeds up healing following dental procedures!

Improves thyroid function

An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease. What’s even more startling is that approximately 60% of these people do not know that they have thyroid issues yet, though they are struggling with symptoms. And yet, our thyroid is a major player in our health–regulating our many body functions by continuously releasing a steady stream of thyroid hormones into the bloodstream. Thyroid imbalance creates symptoms such as fatigue, depression, memory loss, anxiety, insomnia, and weight gain. Conventional treatments usually consist of lifelong prescribed medications that come with several side effects. The good news? Clinical research is showing that NIR light therapy is a natural treatment for thyroid conditions. When patients with a hypothyroid caused by chronic autoimmune thyroiditis received NIR light therapy, 47% of them were able to stop taking their thyroid medication completely. Thyroid issues are common but they can be reduced or resolved through red light therapy.

Slow hair loss and promote hair growth

There are numerous causes of hair loss, from thyroid problems to medications and emotional stress. While people take hair loss in stride, others, particularly women, can find it wreaking havoc on their self image. It’s surprising to note that 40 percent of women over the age of 40 have visible hair loss. Red and NIR light therapy have been shown to both regrow and thicken hair in several studies.

Combats inflammation

Chronic inflammation has been linked to nearly every disease, from cancer to heart disease, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, asthma, depression, and even obesity. Inflammation can arise from an infection, an autoimmune disorder, or long-term exposure to chemicals and pollutants. Lifestyle choices play a strong part in contributing to this very common condition. As discussed, red and NIR light have an anti-inflammatory effect on the human body. Michael Hamblin, a Harvard researcher who is considered an expert in the field of red light therapy, has done extensive research on the many mechanisms by which this type of therapy reduces inflammation in several chronic conditions, including arthritis, inflammatory plain and lung inflammation. Red light therapy may offer significant hope for many of today’s “modern” diseases and further studies are ongoing as red and NIF light therapy becomes mainstream.

Combats acne bacteria and inflammation

Because of the ability of red light to reduce inflammation while increasing blood flow, this type of therapy is commonly used to treat acne. Hooman Khorasani, the Chief of the Division of Dermatological and Cosmetic Surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, suggests the use of both blue and red light therapy which destroy acne-causing bacteria while reducing the size of the sebaceous glands and thereby reducing oil.

The bottom line: Our mitochondria provide 90 percent of the energy that fuels cellular activity and keeps us alive. When we boost our ATP production at this cellular level, we boost our energy at a physical level.

1 Session (15 minutes) $50

Package of 10 sessions $475 (with a pair of goggles)

Package of 20 sessions $910 (with a pair of goggles)

Package of 30 sessions $1,310 (with a pair of goggles)

Please note that this is a cyclical treatment plan, recommended use 2-3 times a week.

Recommended maintenance is once or twice a month.